Polyethylene prices moving higher. Overall material availability remains constrained; producer's inventories are down, limiting supplies. The low flow of offerings witnessed the past couple of weeks is typical considering the first of two $.05/lb price increases on the table. Trade Reports August 2012 Due to rising feedstock costs, low inventories, and improving global and domestic market demand, our resin suppliers have informed us of their intentions to implement a previously announced resin increase effective August 1st. In addition to this August increase, our suppliers have also announced another increase of $.03 to $.05 for September 1st, which we will monitor and address at a later date. In addition to this latest resin increase we have absorbed rising costs in freight, additives, packaging, labor, utilities, insurance, etc. that now we must pass on. U.S. Stretch Film Producer August 2012 More info on this is available from: Mike Cunningham Quick Pak Inc 400...